When you spend time in a rehab center in Los Angeles, you want assurance that the staff understands your specific needs. For many people with a substance abuse disorder, there is also a co-occurring mental health disorder. Finding recovery support that knows how to treat you for the best results is imperative for your healthy…
Alcohol Detox in Los Angeles: Guide to Detoxification and Withdrawal
Alcohol detox in Los Angeles, or anywhere for that matter, can be quite complex. Recovering from an addiction is different for everyone, meaning that your care should be customized to your specific needs. However, there are some general aspects of detox that you can expect. Detox is important because it’s a safe way to quit…
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab Center: What’s the Difference?
If you’re evaluating the decision to choose an inpatient or outpatient drug rehab center, it’s a good idea to know the difference. Treating an addiction is a personalized experience and some patients will need things that others will not. Likewise, some patients need more intensive care than others. Understanding the options for the most efficacious…
Comprehensive Rehab Aftercare Programs in Los Angeles, CA | Canon Human Services
Rehab aftercare programs in Los Angeles, CA, particularly those offered by Canon Human Services, are the cornerstone of sustained recovery. Completing a rehab program is a significant achievement, but it’s just the beginning of the journey. Continuity in treatment through aftercare is vital for maintaining sobriety and avoiding relapse. Let’s delve into why aftercare is…
How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles Cost?
While there are many, many cases where drug and alcohol rehab in Los Angeles must happen, there’s always the issue of cost to consider. While some insurance providers may cover part of the cost, chances are that the rehab bill will be largely covered by the patient or someone caring for the patient. If you…
Can Court Ordered Rehab be Imposed Against A Person’s Will?
Court ordered rehab is often an alternative approach that allows a person to avoid jail time in exchange for a program that helps them rehab from drugs or alcohol. If a loved one is currently addicted, you may wonder if you can force them into a rehab program in the same way. If that loved…
The Role of Court Liaison Assistance in Addiction and Substance Abuse Cases
When someone is recovering from a substance use disorder or addiction, there is typically a team of people involved with a formal recovery program. Court liaison assistance is one aspect of many programs and can be quite valuable in court cases that involve substance abuse. This person will be available for the defendant before, during…
Why is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Used for Substance Use Disorders?
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a form of therapy that is highly effective for treating substance use disorders. It works by helping patients change their thoughts about drugs or alcohol, thereby helping them form new behavior patterns around a given substance. The method also teaches problem solving skills, coping mechanisms, relaxation techniques and facing…
Time to Contact Your Addiction Treatment Center: 5 Signs You’re Heading For Relapse
For many people recovering from addiction, relapse is part of the journey. Keeping in mind that a substance abuse disorder is a disease, it makes sense that it might flare from time to time. However, the ultimate goal is permanent sobriety and that means knowing when the risk is there so that you can get…
Regulations for Drug Rehab Centers in Los Angeles: Check Before You Check In
If you’ve made the difficult decision to enter one of the many drug rehab centers in Los Angeles, you are no doubt feeling fearful and unsure. Knowing what to expect before you check in goes a long way toward making the transition and your recovery that much easier. Part of that is knowing what the…