Can Court Ordered Rehab be Imposed Against A Person’s Will?

Court Ordered Rehab

Court ordered rehab is often an alternative approach that allows a person to avoid jail time in exchange for a program that helps them rehab from drugs or alcohol. If a loved one is currently addicted, you may wonder if you can force them into a rehab program in the same way. If that loved one continues to refuse to seek treatment, you can take matters into your own hands, but it’s not always easy and requires following the legal steps in the process. Read more about how to do it below. 


Can You Force a Loved One into Court Ordered Rehab?

If your loved one is under 18, you can involuntarily admit them to rehab. However, once someone is over 18 years of age, the process gets trickier. Once a person is considered a legal adult, you cannot force them into rehab unless the following factors exist:


  • You can prove the person is addicted to alcohol or drugs.
  • Have proof that the person has, attempted to, or has threatened to do harm to themself or someone else. 
  • The addiction has reached a point where the person is unable to care for themself and there isn’t an adult who is willing to care for them. 


If these factors exist, you can seek out court ordered rehab for the person, which may include emergency hospitalization. The way this works varies from state to state, so be sure you understand the way it works where you live. 


Where Can Rehab be Forced?

Currently, 37 states in the United States allow court ordered rehab, provided the person meets that state’s requirements. In general, these requirements are those listed above, though it pays to be sure there aren’t additional legal parameters in the state where you live. In most states, rehab can be forced for a period of 48 hours to 15 days before a hearing is held. Once the allotted time has passed, a patient can be released if they have demonstrated that they can care for themself and aren’t a danger. In these cases, the person often continues with outpatient rehab treatment, with the stipulation that they will return to inpatient rehab if they don’t comply with the treatment guidelines. 


Getting Someone Into Rehab

There are several options for getting a loved one into rehab, even when that person isn’t willing to accept or admit that they need it. Forced rehab is one such option and can be used as a last resort for someone who needs help but won’t seek it out on their own. It’s important to keep in mind that rehab is more effective when the person is receptive to it, but in some cases, it’s more important to get them there, regardless of their feelings about it. The steps are as follows:


  • Fill out the relevant forms
  • Stand before a judge to review the forms
  • Attend a hearing
  • Follow directions for the decision, which may be emergency hospitalization or forced rehab


Court ordered rehab can be beneficial for individuals with an addiction who are not coping on their own and need help but are unwilling to get it on their own. Contact Canon Human Services Centers Inc. today for help getting through the process. 

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