What to Expect of Rehab Aftercare Programs in Los Angeles CA

Canon Human Services 02/15/24
rehab aftercare programs in los angeles ca

While there’s a certain sense of celebration and accomplishment when you finish rehab, you or your family members may be wondering what to expect next. You want to continue with your sober lifestyle and your family and friends likely want to know how best to support you along the way. For that reason, finding a…

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What to Expect of a Typical Day in an Addiction Treatment Center

Canon Human Services 01/30/24
Addiction Treatment Center

If you are committed to recovering from a substance abuse disorder, you may be considering an addiction treatment center. Naturally, if you’ve never been in such a place, you probably want to know what you can expect. In general, there’s a routine that is followed each day, which keeps your days ordered and allows you…

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A Brief Guide to Court Ordered Rehab

Canon Human Services 01/15/24
Court Ordered Rehab

If you’ve been assigned court-ordered rehab, you’re probably wondering what to expect. Following the guidelines and regulations that are required along with your rehab is important for completing the program and to avoid penalties, fines or other consequences. This guide will help you understand what it is, how it works, and how it can benefit…

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Signs You Need An Alcohol Detox in Los Angeles

Canon Human Services 12/30/23
alcohol detox in los angeles

The sad truth is that many millions of people suffer from an addiction, with tens of thousands dying as a result of this each year. Despite these statistics, very few people seek out treatment to recover. Alcohol addiction is one such issue and it can be incredibly difficult to overcome on your own. For that…

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How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is Used To Treat Addiction

Canon Human Services 12/15/23
cognitive behavioral therapy

There are a variety of ways to treat addictions, but cognitive behavioral therapy is becoming an increasingly effective choice that many therapists choose for their clients. Why? The idea is that addiction is often accompanied by disordered thought patterns, similar to depression or anxiety, so treatment that works for the latter conditions, can also work…

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Why Choose Residential Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles

Canon Human Services 11/30/23
Residential Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles

Struggling with an addiction can be scary and you may not know where to turn to for help. With the choices available to you, it can be difficult to determine which course of treatment is best for your needs. Do you need to recover in a residential alcohol rehab in Los Angeles, or would outpatient…

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How to Choose a Rehab Center in Los Angeles That is Right for You

Canon Human Services 11/15/23
Rehab Center in Los Angeles

When you are looking for a rehab center in Los Angeles for yourself or a loved one, there’s no doubt that it can be an overwhelming and emotional process. Not all rehab centers are safe or effective and many are taking advantage of the continued opioid crisis by using unsafe treatment measures. For that reason,…

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Substance Abuse Treatment in Los Angeles to Help You Find the Path

Canon Human Services 09/11/23
Substance Abuse Treatment in Los Angeles

Have you tried to stop drinking or using a specific substance but found that you’re unable to slow your consumption, much less stop? Does it feel like your mind doesn’t function as well as it used to, or that you just can’t relate to people? Those are just some of the many problems that correlate…

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Quality Residential and Outpatient Programs in Los Angeles are Here

Canon Human Services 04/19/18
Quality Residential and Outpatient Programs in Los Angeles are Here

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is disruptive, debilitating, and potentially deadly. It can be very easy for an individual to fall into the traps that abuse and addiction offer, and once you are there it may seem like you can never find a safe way out. While there are many people suffering from an addiction,…

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